Expand the Capacity of Your Space with More Storage
More Storage are trusted manufacturers of mezzanine flooring in Essex that gives you more floor space without costly extensions or disruptive relocations. If you are rapidly expanding your business or running out of storage in your warehouse, we provide a solution that builds upwards within your floor plan rather than outwards. Regardless of the size, location or limits of your budget, we can supply a mezzanine floor that works for you. If you want to make the most out of the space you are already paying for, simply give us a call to discuss your requirements for more storage space.
Fit for showrooms, gyms, offices, warehouses, shops and a wide variety of other commercial and industrial spaces, mezzanine flooring helps you move on up without moving out. Most buildings have the space for a platform, and even if we need to get creative in narrow or contained floor plans, we will find a solution that fits. Because our job is to make your job easier by making the most of unused or wasted space. And when you are expanding, this is vital.
Save costs, reduce fuss and consult the experts.
More Storage is a family run mezzanine floor manufacturer based in Kent and covers the county of Essex. Give us a call today to see how More Storage can help you.
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